Microsoft Research Summit 2022: What's Next for Technology and Humanity? – Microsoft

By , Vice President, Distinguished Scientist & Managing Director, Microsoft Research Outreach
Research Area
Today, we are experiencing waves of breakthroughs in computing that are transforming just about every aspect of our lives. Artificial intelligence is changing the way we develop and create. Human language technologies are revolutionizing the workflows of healthcare professionals. Deep learning is accelerating our ability to understand and predict natural phenomena, from atomic to galactic scales. Meanwhile, the foundations of cloud computing are undergoing a reinvention from the atoms up. 
Realizing the benefits of these new breakthroughs demands that we come together in new ways across the global research community. The vibrancy of invention and innovation increasingly lies at the intersections among traditional research disciplines, from the highly theoretical and to the immediately applicable. Ensuring that the continuing advancement of technology is beneficial to all requires communication, collaboration and co-innovation across the communities that create new technologies and those that aim to use them to improve their lives. 
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join us for this year’s Microsoft Research Summit, which will take place on October 18-20, 2022. This virtual event is where the global research community convenes to explore how emerging research might best address societal challenges and have significant impact on our lives in the coming years. This year’s event will feature over 120 speakers, including researchers and leaders from across the research community at Microsoft, alongside partners and collaborators from industry, academia and government who are advancing the frontiers of research in computing and across the sciences. 
Each of our three days will begin with a plenary session during which we’ll explore the potential impact of deep learning on scientific discovery, the opportunity to use technology to make healthcare more precise and accessible, and the re-invention of foundational technologies to enable the cloud of the future. These plenaries will lead into tracks that dive deeper into research that spans from more efficient and adaptable AI, to technologies that amplify human creativity and help foster a more sustainable society.
For further details – and to register to attend – check out the Microsoft Research Summit website
We hope you will join us. 
I lead the global outreach team at Microsoft Research (MSR) – our mission is to amplify the impact of research at Microsoft and to…
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